Our team of experienced property experts will personally answer all your questions regarding commercial real estate in Stuttgart and Munich. With their deep know-how on these vibrant economic regions and their real estate markets, you will always find the right contact partner for your property needs.
Björn Holzwarth has more than 30 years of professional experience in real estate. He joined E & G Real Estate in 1996, first as an Office Letting Consultant and then as the Head of E & G’s Office Advisory. In 2001, he took on responsibility for the service line Investment Consulting, and in 2002, he assumed executive management for the entire company. With the Management Buyout in 2018, Mr. Holzwarth became a Managing Partner of E & G Real Estate GmbH and of E & G Private Immobilien GmbH.
Simone Wiedmann has a degree in Business Studies and is a Certified Surveyor for developed and undeveloped land as well as for leases. Her career at E & G Real Estate already began during her studies, first as an intern, later as a working student and finally when writing her diploma thesis in cooperation with us. In 2007, Ms. Wiedmann officially joined our Investment Team, and she has been successfully managing property transactions in all asset classes ever since.
Education: Graduate property economist (ADI)
Experience: Nico Presthofer has extensive experience in the field of property privatisation and marketing. He has been with E & G in Stuttgart since 2019. Initially at E & G Private Immobilien and since November 2023, Mr Presthofer has been part of the investment team at E & G Real Estate.
Education: B.A. Property Management (DHBW)
Experience: Lennart Leidgeb has been working as a management assistant at our Stuttgart office since September 2023. From October 2020 to August 2023, Mr Leidgeb was a dual student at E & G Real Estate. He is studying property management at the DHBW in Stuttgart on a three-month theory/practice rotation. Back in 2018, he gained many impressions during his school internship at E & G.
Vocational training: Certified Sales Assistant (automotive)
Experience: Liana Gentile joined our Investment Team in Stuttgart as a Sales Assistant in January 2024.
Thanks to her automotive industry training and her years of experience as a Management Assistant, she is the right contact person for all commercial processes.
Thorsten Kraus MRICS ist seit September 2023 als Leiter Investment am Münchner Standort tätig. In seine neue Position bringt der Diplom Betriebswirt (FH) mehr als vierzehn Jahre Transaktionserfahrung auf dem Gewerbeimmobilienmarkt mit. Während seiner bisherigen Laufbahn durchlief Herr Kraus verschiedene Positionen im gewerblichen Vermietungs- und Investmentgeschäft - unter anderem bei Cushman Wakefield, Knight Frank sowie zuletzt bei FRANK Immobilien.
Michaela Mader joined E & G Real Estate in Munich in January 2021 as a consultant in the investment department. After her training as a bank clerk (IHK), she completed her studies at the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences. She then worked as a portfolio manager at W&W Asset Management GmbH, where she was responsible for asset management and the acquisition of commercial properties as well as the purchase and sale of residential properties throughout Germany.
Nadine Scharrer joined E & G Real Estate in Munich as Senior Consultant in Investment in February 2022. Prior to joining E & G, Ms. Scharrer worked for a well-known brokerage firm specializing in retail real estate. She looks back on more than 20 years of experience in the real estate industry and 15 of them in the brokerage of commercial real estate in Bavaria as well as in Baden-Württemberg.
Ulrich Nestel can look back on 25 years of professional experience in the real estate business. He started his career with us by founding E & G’s Munich office. In 2003, he changed to the Stuttgart head office and to the service line Office Letting. Since 2008, he has been successfully leading the Office Letting team and in 2012, he also assumed responsibility for retail letting in the Stuttgart Region. Mr Nestel has been involved in various large-scale lettings in Stuttgart and Munich. Consequently, he became a partner of E & G Real Estate in 2018.
Helga Schöner has a degree in Business Studies with a specialization in Real Estate Economy. She joined E & G Real Estate in 2003 and has been a highly respected and successful Letting Consultant on our Office team in Stuttgart. In her professional role, Ms Schöner is also responsible for all Research on Office Letting in the Stuttgart Region.
Sebastian Degen is a trained Real Estate Broker and Certified Commercial Real Estate Specialist. He can look back on almost 30 years of professional experience in commercial property. In 2007, he joined the Office Advisory at E & G Real Estate in Stuttgart, and has since then created an impressive track record in office letting.
Hans Werner Petrak is a Certified Banking Professional with more than 50 years of professional experience in commercial real estate. Since 1969, he had been with Kreissparkasse Böblingen, for 20 years as Branch Manager and since 1989 as Commercial Real Estate Advisor. In April 2019, Mr. Petrak joined E & G Real Estate as prime contact partner for commercial real estate in the Sindelfingen-Böblingen area.
Ausbildung: Immobilienwirtschaft B.Sc. (HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen)
Erfahrung: Paul Schnabel ist seit Dezember 2023 als Berater in der
Bürovermietung bei der E & G Real Estate tätig. Während seines
immobilienwirtschaftlichen Studiums an der HfWU in Geislingen, konnte Herr Schnabel
bereits im Rahmen seins Praxissemesters wertvolle
Eindrücke bei E & G gewinnen. Anschließend sammelte er knapp drei Jahre erste
berufliche Erfahrungen bei einem wohnwirtschaftlichen Bauträger.
Simone Schiefer is a Certified DTP Designer and did further training in office and information management. Previously, she was employed as an office assistant for a regional industrial broker for over six years, where she was responsible for general office organisation, correspondence as well as the preparation of property exposés, etc.
Alexander Zigan has more than 20 years of professional experience in the real estate business. Our location in Munich has been profiting from his expertise since he joined in 2003. In 2009, he assumed responsibility for E & G’s Office Advisory in Munich and in 2012 for the entire Munich branch with the service lines Office Letting, Investment Consulting and Research.
Christian Babock joined E & G Real Estate in Munich as a senior consultant in office leasing in January 2021. The trained real estate agent (IHK) has more than 20 years of experience in the real estate industry and 18 years in the brokerage of commercial real estate in Munich. Before joining E & G Real Estate, Christian Babock worked for well-known real estate companies in the Munich market.
Samuel Klein-Wiele has been on our Office Letting team in Munich since 2018. Before joining E & G Real Estate, he gained a B.A. in Real Estate Economy. Already during his studies, he got involved with E & G Real Estate, first during an internship and later as a working student at our head office in Stuttgart.
Erfahrung: René Steiner blickt auf mehr als 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Immobilienbranche zurück. Durch seine Tätigkeit bei namhaften nationalen und internationalen Immobilien-Beratungsunternehmen in München, konnte er seine Marktkenntnisse und umfassende Expertise am lokalen Immobilienmarkt immer weiter vertiefen. Seine umfangreichen Erfahrungen setzt Herr Steiner nun seit September 2021 für E & G Real Estate, im Bereich der Bürovermietung als Senior Berater, erfolgreich ein.
Ausbildung: M.Sc.Real Estate
Erfahrung: Simon Heinisch unterstützt seit März 2023 das Team der Bürovermietung in unserer Niederlassung München. Zuvor war er gut vier Jahre bei einem Münchner Maklerhaus im Landloard Representation tätig.
Nach seiner Berufsausbildung zum Immobilienkaufmann (IHK) folgte ein BWL-Studium mit Schwerpunkt Immobilienwirtschaft an der Universität Regensburg und IREBS, sowie ein ergänzendes Masterstudium an der University of Reading in England.
Ausbildung: Diplom Immobilienökonom
Erfahrung: Dominik Rosopulo unterstütz das Bürovermietungsteam von E & G seit Februar 2024 an unserem Standort in München. Zuvor war er bereits rund vier Jahre bei einem Münchner Maklerhaus in der Bürovermietung tätig. Nach seiner Ausbildung zum Bankkaufmann studierte Herr Rosopulo BWL und Wirtschaftspsychologie an der FOM in München. 2023 schloss er sein berufsbegleitendes Studium, Diplom-Immobilienökonom (ADI), erfolgreich ab.
Susan Lange is a Certified Specialist in Office Communication. She gained 12 years professional experience on the back office team of a renown residential property broker in Munich before joining E & G Real Estate as a Sales Assistant in 2016. As IHK-qualified training staff, Ms. Lange is also responsible for vocational training and our object Management at E & G Real Estate in Munich.
Michaela Mader joined E & G Real Estate in Munich in January 2021 as a consultant in the investment department. After her training as a bank clerk (IHK), she completed her studies at the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences. She then worked as a portfolio manager at W&W Asset Management GmbH, where she was responsible for asset management and the acquisition of commercial properties as well as the purchase and sale of residential properties throughout Germany.
Patrizia Otella has been on the Back Office team of E & G Real Estate in Munich since 2006. She has been supporting the service lines Office Letting and Commercial Real Estate Investment with passion and professionalism.
Ulrich Nestel can look back on 25 years of professional experience in the real estate business. He started his career with us by founding E & G’s Munich office. In 2003, he changed to the Stuttgart head office and to the service line Office Letting. Since 2008, he has been successfully leading the Office Letting team and in 2012, he also assumed responsibility for retail letting in the Stuttgart Region. Mr Nestel has been involved in various large-scale lettings in Stuttgart and Munich. Consequently, he became a partner of E & G Real Estate in 2018.
Helga Schöner has a degree in Business Studies with a specialization in Real Estate Economy. She joined E & G Real Estate in 2003 and has been a highly respected and successful Letting Consultant on our Office team in Stuttgart. In her professional role, Ms Schöner is also responsible for all Research on Office Letting in the Stuttgart Region.
Simone Wiedmann has a degree in Business Studies and is a Certified Surveyor for developed and undeveloped land as well as for leases. Her career at E & G Real Estate already began during her studies, first as an intern, later as a working student and finally when writing her diploma thesis in cooperation with us. In 2007, Ms. Wiedmann officially joined our Investment Team, and she has been successfully managing property transactions in all asset classes ever since.
Michaela Mader joined E & G Real Estate in Munich in January 2021 as a consultant in the investment department. After her training as a bank clerk (IHK), she completed her studies at the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences. She then worked as a portfolio manager at W&W Asset Management GmbH, where she was responsible for asset management and the acquisition of commercial properties as well as the purchase and sale of residential properties throughout Germany.
Sarah Danielle Hein is a trained Media Designer and has a B.A. in Media Economy. Her studies have provided Ms. Hein with profound knowledge in the field of media. She gained professional experience in B2B Marketing and PR before deciding to E & G Real Estate as a Marketing and PR professional in 2015.
Corinna Blümke is a Certified Banking Professional. She had been working for 15 years in the field of closed-end real estate funds before joining E & G Real Estate’s competence team in 2006. In her current position, Ms. Blümke is responsible for Receivables Management and the Business as well as the Project Processes at E & G Real Estate GmbH.
Sarah Danielle Hein is a trained Media Designer and has a B.A. in Media Economy. Her studies have provided Ms. Hein with profound knowledge in the field of media. She gained professional experience in B2B Marketing and PR before deciding to E & G Real Estate as a Marketing and PR professional in 2015.
Krystyna Malczyk is a Certified Administrative Professional with more than 20 years of experience in Accounting. She had already been working on the Accounting team of Bankhaus Ellwanger & Geiger for more than five years, before taking on responsibility for Accounting at E & G Real Estate GmbH and E & G Private Immobilien GmbH in 2019.
Christine Pansegrau is a Certified Business Economist and Vocational Trainer. She can look back on more than 20 years of professional experience in HR at medium-sized companies. For more than five years, Ms. Pansegrau has been taking good care of HR matters at E & G Real Estate. With her extensive expertise, she is our specialist for all operative and strategic HR matters.And her professional advice is highly respected, not only by the management, but by all business professionals at E & G Real Estate.
Education: B.A. Property Management (DHBW)
Experience: Lennart Leidgeb has been working as a management assistant at our Stuttgart office since September 2023. From October 2020 to August 2023, Mr Leidgeb was a dual student at E & G Real Estate. He is studying property management at the DHBW in Stuttgart on a three-month theory/practice rotation. Back in 2018, he gained many impressions during his school internship at E & G.
Astrid Prinz is a Legal Adviser and Commercial Lawyer, and has been in charge of all legal affairs at E & G Real Estate since 2015. In her professional practice, she can draw on her extensive expertise in property law and brokerage law, trade supervisory law, corporate law, general economy law, industrial property law, as well as procedural law and enforcement law.